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The Republic of Hubdova has an indirect democracy as its type of government. This means the people elect the members of parliament which, in turn, creates laws for Hubdova. One unique thing is that people can submit bill ideas to Reviewers -people who take these bill ideas and separate the good ones from the bad ones and send them onwards to the Parliamentary Assembly (PA). There are 151 seats in the PA, including the Head Chairman. Other than the legislative branch, Hubdova has a judiciary branch that houses the Hubdovan High Court. This includes the Hubdovan High Judge, who deals with the most serious cases in all of Hubdova. There then is the Prime Minister with all of his other ministry heads. The PM leads the country as the highest power position in the nation. The ministry heads specialize in their respective ministries (ie: education, defense, etc.)

Image by Aditya Joshi
Government: Agenda & Minutes
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